Sunday with NGO's…..

Today I went for a visit to two NGO’s near to my place along with the organisation Seva Sahayog to see how these NGO’s work….The tour of the NGO’s was organised so that volunteers like me could know what type of work these NGO’s do and how we can contribute towards it…
1. First we went to a village about 17 kms away from the place where I stay. They have constructed a small dispensary where every Sunday doctors conduct medical camps....This was started about 20 years back, when there was no proper approach road also. It was very nice to hear that within 3 years they treated the entire village of scabies…After sometime they started a hostel for 10 children so that they get proper food, coaching and amenities.
2. Secondly we went to a small district called as ‘Pen’ where a Mahila samiti was running an Old age home and a hostel for the tribal girls. I liked this place the best as it was run by simple women who were not that educated , but still were running the place efficiently. They even have constructed a building to house the old people which cost them 60 lakhs. Just imagine even in a city it would be difficult to get sponsorship for such a amount. They had started initially with a old building for their old age home. They also provided tiffin service for the engineering college students who used to come to study there, also they started stitching classes for the local women folk and started stitching thin blankets and clothes for babies which were sold. Also they had started a primary school for local kids as the school was far away and the parents were reluctant to send young students. Seeing their dedication for the work they could contributions from many of the local village people for constructing the new building, even then they were short of funds by 20 lakhs. Still somehow they to managed finish the building and now are running the old age home successfully.

What was heartening to see was that simple women like them could achieve so much, then why certainly educated people like us can achieve more…It was a lesson in self sacrifice, how these women worked selflessly to achieve their goals…They even opened a blood bank in the new building.
Later on we visited old people staying there…It was very depressing to see them stay like this, the place was very well kept but still seeing them stay away from their family was saddening. We could see the smiles on their faces when we visited them. Imagine living your life in grandeur and with family and now having to share a room with two others and just have your bed as your personal space…
Then we visited the tribal girls staying there. After meeting I can understand how lucky am to have such wonderful parents of the various things which I take for granted but these girls can just wish for them.

All in all it was a nice experience and I got some ideas where can I work and do something useful….For a change today the youths outnumbered the aged in the team (we were 10 of us) Even the people in the NGO’s were telling the same thing nice to see youngsters taking a interest in these kind of activities. When I meet these kinds of people I feel happy that there is still “good” left in this world. Rarely do we get to hear about any good news in the newspapers or in the news channels…
I just wish that I can do some work for them in any small way that possible…that’s all for now friends….


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